10 Steps to Successfully Prepare for a Trip


If you’re anything like me, you’re a planner and before a trip you’re thinking of every little thing you need to do. Don’t let overwhelm set in! I’ve made a list of my personal preparation list for my bigger trips to help you!

  1. About 2 weeks ahead I begin shopping for any new outfits I may want or need for the destination. Amazon is my go to and I always look at the LikeToKnowIt app. If you go to the search area there are different categories (example; swim, fitness, sale, under $50, winter, summer etc…) I LOVE seeing outfits on bloggers and getting inspiration on how they style it. This is pretty much the only way I shop now!

  2. I start putting the outfits I want to bring in the front of my closet so when it comes time to pack, it’s much easier. (I have a packing tips blog HERE you can reference for this).

  3. I always get a manicure and pedicure and try to have the colors make sense with the destination. Warm places I like to do pink, light and fun verse cold destinations I tend to go with grays, blues and dark tones!). I’ve been getting the Dip lately and they don’t crack or chip. Plus your nails grow like crazy!

  4. Continuing on my beauty prep I get my eye brows threaded right before, eyelash extensions done (this makes it so much easier when traveling, its so fast when getting ready and I don’t have to worry about mascara running- it’s my go to travel beauty tip!). I also always get a spray tan because it just tones everything and makes you feel your best! I swear it will make your feel 10 pounds lighter :)

  5. I always search Instagram for the destination I am heading to for style inspiration but also for the places I want to see and where I want to take some pictures. This is the blogger in me but I always get great results for pictures ☺ . I always get asked… who takes your pictures. The answer is… I ask a stranger, a travel friend, or a set up a tripod and do it myself!

  6. I write tons of to-do lists the week leading up to my trip and cross it off as I complete it. I make sure to reference this right before I depart.

  7. I am pretty strict about my diet the week before a trip because I know during my travels I won’t be eating as healthy. (even though I still try to be good while traveling… try is the key word. Check out my blog on staying healthy when traveling HERE). I stick to a 80% plant based diet and count Macros as best I can.

  8. I am constantly working out especially when I’m home but the week leading up, I also I make sure not to miss a workout since there might be some travel days I can’t get it in. Plus it just makes you feel your best!

  9. This is more for work organization but I look ahead at my client’s trips and prepare as much as I can in advance, of course I’m working while I’m traveling but this keeps me on track so I don’t miss anything for all my important clients. With my job, I never really have “off” even though it seems like i’m always on vacation.

  10. I research the destination ahead to make sure I hit all the important places and also the best dining hot spots. This includes searches on Pinterest, other blogs, Instagram and my trusted other travel agent colleagues who have been to the location before!

Now I’m ready for my next destination! 

(btw- have you flown Jetblue Mint yet!? I was very impressed with the service and quality of this first class experience- above picture is right before take off!)


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